📄️ Assessment Tools
Provides an overview and key materials for the most important framework (the IUCN Green List for Protected and Conserved Areas), tools and methodologies (e.g. METT, IMET, EoH and RAPPAM) for assessing protected area management effectiveness.
📄️ Assessments
Shows how many assessments have been carried out by country, years and methodology. This information is coming from the Global Database on Protected Area Management Effectiveness (GD-PAME) managed by UNEP-WCMC.
📄️ Resources
Provides access to PAME related resources, including assessment reports, standards, manuals, guidelines, case studies, scientific papers and websites. The catalogue can be searched using different search and filter functions.
📄️ Management Plans
Provides access to protected area management plans. Such plans should set out the management approach, goals and decision-making framework for a specific protected area. The catalogue can be searched using different search and filter functions.